What Are the Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement in Illinois?

 Posted on August 23, 2019 in Divorce

DuPage County family law attorney for prenupsFiling for a divorce, legally referred to as a dissolution of marriage in Illinois, can be a burdensome process that requires vast amounts of time, money, and effort from both parties. Ending a marriage requires the division of property, real estate, and businesses, as well as settling issues related to custody of children. Fortunately, some of the disputes surrounding these matters can be avoided through the use of a prenuptial agreement, or prenup. Prenuptial agreements have a negative connotation in some people’s minds; however, many divorce attorneys would recommend this type of agreement for any couple planning on getting married. Taking steps to determine how assets will be divided and how other matters will be settled ahead of time could save countless hours of arguing during the stressful and emotional divorce process.

Planning Ahead

Marriage can have its ups and downs. Even during happy times, it is a good idea to plan for the worst. Making decisions on matters ahead of time can save a lot of time and frustration during an unhappy ending. Listed below are a few possible marital issues that can be addressed in a prenuptial agreement:

Protecting Your Assets

Wealth and property management can be an intricate matter that should be discussed by both parties before going into a marriage. Having a prenuptial agreement in place prior to a wedding could save someone from losing everything he or she has worked for in life in the event of a divorce. A partner may be offended when this topic is introduced, but listed below are some general suggestions on how to propose the scenario:

  • Familiarize your spouse with the topic of a premarital agreement as soon as possible.

  • Explain how a prenup would save time and frustration in case of a divorce.

  • Reference how a prenup can be good for both parties.

  • Offer to co-create the agreement to ensure both parties have a voice.

Contact a DuPage County Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

A divorce can be difficult for many reasons, with a lot of marital issues to settle before both partners can move on. Before entering into a marriage or civil union, agreeing on certain issues beforehand is highly recommended. The dedicated attorneys at Andrew Cores Family Law Group are able to work with you and your spouse at any time to discuss your best options based on your circumstances. Our dedicated Wheaton family law attorneys can answer any questions you may have about prenups or other related legal issues. To arrange a free consultation, call our office today at 630-871-1002.




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