How Can Spousal Support Help Me Reenter the Workforce After Divorce?

 Posted on January 21, 2020 in Alimony/Spousal Support

Wheaton, IL spousal maintenance attorneyWhen you get divorced, you may be at a financial disadvantage, especially if you have been a stay-at-home parent or have been out of the workforce for a significant period of time. Fortunately, you may be able to receive spousal maintenance that will allow you to continue living at the standard you have come to expect during your marriage. One of the facets of spousal support that deserves special attention is reentry into the workforce. If you believe that you need education and/or training before you can begin working and supporting yourself, it is completely acceptable and reasonable to ask for financial assistance to help address these needs.

Reasons to Ask for Education Assistance Following Divorce

There are many reasons to ask that education assistance be included as part of a spousal support award. These include:

  • Self-Sufficiency—If you get the training and education you need to land a well-paying job, you will be on your way to being able to support yourself in a way that might not have been possible during your marriage. This will not just be for your benefit; if your ex-spouse contributes to your professional growth and assists you in becoming self-sufficient, you may no longer need to receive financial support.

  • Earning Potential—The pursuit of education or training will help you increase the amount of income that you will be able to earn. The more qualified you become, the higher the salary you might receive, making your life a whole lot easier.

  • Support of Your Children—Once you are entirely financially self-sufficient and making more money, you will be able to provide for your family in ways you might not have been able to before. In fact, you might be able to give your children an even better life, since you will be able to make greater financial contributions to their success, including everything from their living environment to their education.

How to Make Your Case for Education Assistance

It might seem as if asking for college tuition or funds for special training is a selfish act. The truth is, the work you contributed to your household during your marriage gives you the right to ask for support that will help you improve your situation following divorce. When you meet with your lawyer, consider the following questions:

  • Did you stay at home to take care of your kids instead of pursuing a career? This is a sacrifice you made for the sake of the marriage and the family, and you deserve to be rewarded for the hard work you put toward meeting your family’s needs.

  • Did you delay or cancel your plans for higher education so that you could support your spouse in pursuing their professional goals? This is another sacrifice you made for the good of the marriage. After providing much-needed assistance to help your spouse further their career, you should be able to benefit from your efforts.

  • Did you pass up a promotion because it would have kept you too far from home or your family life? You deserve to be compensated for the sacrifices you have made.

Contact a Wheaton Divorce Lawyer

If you have found that your marriage and subsequent divorce have put you at a disadvantage professionally, you deserve adequate compensation from your spouse. You need a DuPage County spousal support attorney to help you determine the best strategy for receiving the financial assistance you need to pursue education or training. Contact Andrew Cores Family Law Group at 630-871-1002 for a free consultation.


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