Do Parents Of Children with Autism Get Divorced More Often?

 Posted on June 14, 2022 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_wheaton-il-divorce-lawyer.jpgWhile every couple gets married with high hopes of staying together forever, the reality is that life’s daily stresses push many couples to the brink of separation. Whether it is because the stress shows partners that they are not compatible or causes them to slowly grow apart because they have no time and energy for each other, life’s difficulties cause many couples to reach a point where staying married is just not an option.

A child with autism can contribute enormously to parental stress, so much so that studies suggest parents of an autistic child may divorce nearly twice as often as parents without an autistic child. The unique challenges of raising an autistic child can put more of a burden on a marriage than parents can bear. If you find yourself in this situation, know you are not alone. While your divorce may involve some additional complications to ensure your child is well-cared for, an experienced Illinois divorce attorney can help you every step of the way.

Common Challenges of Parenting an Autistic Child

Parents of autistic children often say their parenting responsibilities never end, even after a child passes the most traditionally demanding years and enters adulthood. Because autistic children frequently struggle with managing their emotions and often are impulsive, they may require constant supervision. Children with autism also tend not to sleep well, meaning their parents do not sleep well either. All this stress can put an enormous burden on parents who are already struggling with developing their careers, managing their household, and raising other children.

How Do Special Needs Children Change the Divorce Process? 

Parents of a child with autism or any other special needs must be particularly conscious of seeking a parenting arrangement that meets that child’s best interests. They may need to be more flexible when creating parenting time schedules because of the many appointments their child must attend. Child support is likely to be affected, as an autistic child’s financial needs are likely to be much higher than those of a non-autistic child, and spousal support may be extended longer than normal if a parent cannot return to the workforce due to a child’s full-time care needs.

Schedule a Consultation with a DuPage County Divorce Attorney

Your children are your most precious asset and while divorce is challenging for every child, children with special needs require a little more care. If you have a child with autism or any other disability, schedule a free consultation with a Wheaton, IL divorce attorney at the Andrew Cores Family Law Group. We can help you negotiate a parenting agreement that meets your child’s best interests. Call us today at 630-871-1002.


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