Does a College Education Increase the Odds of Marriage Success?

 Posted on March 22, 2021 in Divorce

DuPage County family lawyerMany people grow up hearing from family members, teachers, and others that they need a college education in order to have a career, earn a good living, and provide for their future. However, according to a recent study, a college education may also mean a better chance of having a successful marriage—especially for women.

Marriage and Divorce Statistics for College-Educated Couples

Approximately half of first-time marriages in the United States last for about 20 years. A study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics found that women who have a college degree have an 80 percent chance of staying married beyond that 20-year mark. The researchers used data collected through surveys and interviews to predict the probability of marriage success, much in the same way that researchers use data to predict life expectancy statistics. The data included men and women who were between the ages of 15 to 44 during the years 2006 through 2010.

Differences Between Women and Men

The overall percentage of women’s first marriages lasting at least 20 years was 52 percent. For women who had obtained their bachelor’s degrees, that percentage jumped to 78 percent. Women who had attended college but not acquired their degree had a 49 percent chance of their first marriage lasting at least two decades. Women who had a high school education or less had a 40 percent chance of a 20-year marriage.

College-educated men also appear to fare better in longer-lasting first marriages. The data showed that 65 percent of the men who had obtained their bachelor’s degrees could expect to stay married for at least 20 years, while only half of the men with lesser education could have that same expectation.

Other Considerations

The study did not draw any conclusions regarding same-sex marriages or any degrees higher than a bachelor’s degree because the sample size for both those categories was too small. Researchers also did not include marriages that ended in death, only those which ended due to divorce or separation.

Other studies have also indicated that there is a greater marriage success rate in this country for people who have college educations compared to those who do not. According to these studies, approximately 65 percent of adults who had obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher are married, compared to 53 percent of adults who were less educated.

Contact a DuPage County Family Law Attorney

Regardless of what level of education you have achieved, the divorce process can prevent significant challenges. If you are considering a divorce, contact an experienced Wheaton divorce lawyer to make sure that your future and your children’s future are protected. Call Andrew Cores Family Law Group at 630-871-1002 today to set up a free initial consultation.



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