Five Tips for Making Divorce More Affordable in Illinois 

 Posted on January 17, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Family Law AttorneyDivorce is notorious for being difficult to afford, yet people on tight budgets finalize their Illinois divorces every day. While the services of a great attorney are rarely free, there is no reason that financial restraints should force anyone to stay in a terrible relationship. If you are considering divorce in Illinois and are wondering if you can afford it, here are five tips for making divorce more affordable. 

Use a Mediator

One of the things that can make divorce more expensive is a long, drawn-out negotiation period. When spouses cannot agree on important issues like parenting time and asset division, a trained mediator can help them meet, prioritize, and stay focused on problem-solving without letting personal issues get in the way. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, paying for a mediator early in your divorce can help you save a lot of money in the long run. 

Ask Your Spouse for Interim Spousal Maintenance

While your divorce is ongoing, you may be able to successfully petition the court for financial support during the divorce. Illinois judges will often grant interim spousal maintenance so stay-at-home parents without an income can still afford to get divorced. You may also be able to request that your spouse pay for your attorney fees, but you will have to prove that you cannot afford an attorney yourself and there is no guarantee that your request will be approved. 

Ask About Limited Scope Representation

Some people feel comfortable getting certain parts of their divorce done without the help of an attorney. If you are interested in having legal help for particular elements of your divorce–say, when you actually need to appear in court–but believe you can do other parts yourself, limited scope representation may be helpful to you. 

Look Into State Fee Waivers

Illinois provides financially disadvantaged people the right to request a fee waiver so the court will waive all bureaucratic fees associated with divorce. This means you could potentially file for divorce, see a judge, and finalize the divorce without paying any fees to the state. 

Get Creative With Your Finances

Although it may not be practical for everyone, getting a second job in the gig economy or adding seasonal work to your schedule can provide extra funds to help pay for the divorce. Additionally, it may be possible to take out a low-interest loan or use a credit card to pay for some of your divorce expenses when you do not have cash on hand. Taking on loans may be especially advantageous if you expect to receive a portion of marital assets in your divorce. It is always best to be cautious when taking out debt of any kind, so make sure you understand the implications of new debt for your financial situation. 

Call a Wheaton Divorce Lawyer 

The prospect of divorce and the burdens it can entail is understandably intimidating for many people. If you are considering divorce and want the help of an experienced, compassionate team of divorce attorneys, schedule a free consultation with a DuPage County divorce lawyer with Andrew Cores Family Law Group. We fight hard for our clients and take pride in providing outstanding client service. Call us today at 630-871-1002



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