Preparation Is the Key to a Smoother Divorce

 Posted on November 30,2017 in Divorce

divorce, Wheaton divorce attorneysThe process of divorce is unlike other many legal matters in that it is deeply personal. A person may spend years or even decades deciding if they should file for divorce or not. Couples may try marriage counseling, trial separations, or endure hours of uncomfortable conversations before reaching the decision to divorce. With all of this emotional turmoil and stress, some individuals seeking a divorce may jump into it without properly preparing. However, taking time to ready yourself and formulate a plan before starting the process can save a great deal of unnecessary stress. There is no way to ensure that your divorce will go perfectly with no difficulties at all, but there are some things you can do to prepare for the divorce process.

Prepare Yourself Financially

Most people who divorce experience a dramatic change in their financial status. They may be forced to live on less income than they previously did, or they may now be responsible for spousal support or child support payments. Furthermore, in many marriages, one of the spouses was in charge of the household finances more so than the other. This means that many individuals who get divorced will need to learn to pay bills, make financial decisions, create a budget, pay taxes or face other unfamiliar territory. Do not be afraid to seek assistance with these challenges. Some people, especially those with complicated financial situations, choose to meet with a financial adviser in addition to an attorney when filing for divorce.

Prepare Yourself Emotionally

There is no way around it. Divorcing a spouse who you hoped to spend the rest of your life with can be devastating. Even if the marriage has been struggling for years and the split was expected, it is still painful. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, or consider seeing a therapist. Allow yourself to grieve the end of the marriage. Accept your emotions as they come and never be afraid to ask for help managing them. Some who get divorced find comfort in a divorce support group or in getting involved in other social gatherings. Although the process can be painful, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

We Are Ready To Help

Our experienced Wheaton family law attorneys are knowledge and compassionate, and will help you reach your goals and fight for your rights during a divorce. Contact the Andrew Cores Family Law Group to discuss your situation today. Call 630-871-1002 for a free consultation at any of our three convenient office locations.


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