Putting Your Children First During the 2020 Holidays

 Posted on December 21, 2020 in Child Custody

Wheaton IL family law attorneyChristmas is just a few days away, and a week after that, 2020 will be over. This year’s holiday celebrations are likely to be different than most of us have ever experienced, as many families will only be able to get together through telephone calls or video chats. For parents who are subject to shared parenting arrangements, the holidays can be difficult enough already. Add in this year’s unique challenges, and things have the potential to be even tougher. As you look toward the approaching holidays, it is important to work with your co-parent, if possible, to help your children have the best experience you can offer them.

Communication and Compromise

If you normally share parenting time for the holidays, you and your child’s other parent should do what you can to be patient and kind to one another. Family celebrations—including video calls—may run long, and if families are getting together in person, the weather in Northern Illinois is often unpredictable. It is a good idea to plan your days out in advance, including which of you will be picking up and dropping off if there will be travel between homes, but be courteous and gracious to the other parent if things do not go exactly according to plan.

Be an Example for Your Children

It is not uncommon for family holiday celebrations to include wine, beer, and festive alcoholic beverages. For some individuals and families, however, overindulgence can be a real problem. If you plan to celebrate the holiday with your children this year, be sure to put their needs ahead of your own. Demonstrate to your children that you can celebrate with alcohol in moderation, even in the midst of one of the most difficult years most of us can remember. If you choose to drink, do not drive. Set a positive example for your children—one that you would be happy to see them follow as they become adults.

Stay Positive

Despite all of the challenges that 2020 has brought, there is still much to be thankful for. With this in mind, choose to maintain a spirit of positivity however you decide to celebrate. Do not be drawn into frivolous arguments, and try not to dwell on how things could or should be different. Instead, focus on what makes you and your children happy, and enjoy the time you get to spend with loved ones, even if it is by video or phone. It is times like this that can make your children feel loved and appreciated no matter what else might be going on around them.

Contact a Wheaton Family Law Attorney

If you have questions about holiday parenting plans or any other element of your co-parenting arrangement, an experienced DuPage County family lawyer can help you find the answers. Call 630-871-1002 for a free, confidential consultation at Andrew Cores Family Law Group today.




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