Starting the School Year after a Divorce

 Posted on August 26, 2014 in Divorce

after a divorce, children and divorce, DuPage County divorce attorney, filing for a divorce, parental custody, school year, new school year, divorced parentsAccording to divorce attorneys, the end of summer is a common time to start thinking about filing for a divorce. However, summer’s end is also a time for parents who have recently finalized a divorce to think about how it affects their children going off to school. Many parents choose to go through the meat of the divorce process during the summer, so that kids have time to adjust without also needing to deal with schoolwork. However, now that they are returning to their normal routine, parents need to be aware of what information the school needs, and they need to watch out for signs that their children may not be adjusting well now that they are back in school.

Information the School Needs

The divorce decree is going to generate a large amount of information and legal requirements, and children’s schools are going to need to be informed about some of those changes. For instance, schools are liable for the well-being of their students, so it is important to inform the school about which parent has custody, and which parent is allowed to pick up the kids. This is especially important in situations involving abuse, where there may be an order of protection in place. Similarly, parents should also inform schools about which parents have a right to request information about the children and who may attend parent teacher conferences, since non-custodial parents may still retain these rights.

Teachers as a Support Network

Depending on a parent’s relationship with the teacher and the school, it may also benefit the children to let the teacher or the school’s guidance counselors know about the divorce. If the children appear to be depressed or start acting out in class, this may help the teachers and the school administrators get to the root of the issue quicker and in a way that will be healthier for the student. This can also help put teachers on alert for a student’s declining academic performance, which may be the result of the divorce, so that steps can be taken to quickly remedy any issues.

Speaking to the school’s counselor about the divorce may also help the child, since it will give them an extra space to come deal with their emotions. Guidance counselors are trained professionals, and they may be able to help the student work through some of the issues that come with the divorce. Some schools or counselors even run support groups made up of children who have recently gone through divorce so they can share their experiences with each other.

If you are currently considering seeking a divorce or you simply have some questions about the process, reach out to a DuPage County divorce attorney today. We can help answer your questions and guide you through this complicated time.
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