Watch Out For These Three Negative Effects of Divorce On Your Health

 Posted on June 27, 2022 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_wheaton-il-divorce-attorney.jpgDivorce is frequently rated as one of the most difficult experiences a person can have - more difficult, even than the death of a spouse. While everybody’s experience with divorce is different, the negative effects of divorce are common enough that research has been done that links divorce with specific negative health outcomes.

There is some question as to whether correlation equals causation; for example, are people more likely to have heart disease because they got divorced, or did they get divorced because they were high-stress individuals and high stress also correlates to higher levels of heart disease? While more research is needed to answer these questions definitively, it is helpful to understand some of the potential negative health effects of divorce in Illinois so you can prepare yourself to avoid them.

Physical and Emotional Stress

While emotional health is often discussed separately from physical health, the two are closely intertwined. Experts say that mental stress before, during, and after divorce makes people significantly more likely to develop heart disease. Even when divorced people get remarried, the stress of a divorce can accelerate biological processes that lead to cardiovascular disease. Be sure to exercise, eat well, and practice calming forms of self-care to manage your stress during divorce.

Mobility Issues

One study found that divorcees are 23 percent more likely to experience mobility problems, like walking up stairs or even walking short distances. While it is unclear exactly why divorcees experience more mobility issues, stress can lead to taking distracted actions, leading to injuries. Depression during divorce may also cause someone to generally move less, which can contribute to mobility issues over time. As mentioned previously, experts recommend regular exercise as essential during and after divorce, even if it is only a short walk every day.

Substance Abuse

Divorced individuals are at an increased risk of using alcohol and drugs to excess. These behaviors also correlate with a lower likelihood of practicing safe sex, potentially leading to sexually transmitted diseases, as well as any drug and alcohol-related health issues. Find safe ways to cope with the effects of your divorce so you do not risk falling back on substances to cope.  

Reduce Your Stress by Meeting with a DuPage County Divorce Attorney

While divorce can have a host of negative effects on a divorcee’s mental, physical, and financial well-being, it does not necessarily have to. One way to lighten the load of a divorce is to ensure your legal team is informed, experienced, and communicative. At Andrew Cores Family Law Group, our Wheaton, IL divorce attorneys work hard to manage the legal aspects of your divorce so you can minimize stress and focus on recovery. Call us now at 630-871-1002 to schedule a free, confidential consultation.


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