Why Maintaining Balance Throughout the Divorce Process is So Important

 Posted on November 06, 2020 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce attorneyFor many couples, the advice they get as they experience a divorce can often seem repetitive and, at times, even useless. Hearing the same suggestions for a successful, happy post-divorce life over and over again can be discouraging, especially when those suggestions seem downright unrealistic. We all know the standard recipe for a healthy lifestyle: eat well, exercise, and make time to do things we enjoy. On the surface, this formula for well-being appears practical, but when your marriage is in the midst of ending, it is not always so easy to strike that balance.

Finding Your Balance

Everyone adjusts differently to a divorce, depending on your personal situation and the circumstances that led up to the split. It is helpful to recognize that there is no need to rush through your emotional recovery, as it is a natural process that needs to take place. However, it is also a good idea to set goals for yourself and to be aware of signs that you are in a rut and are having trouble with the transition.

Keeping Your Expectations Realistic

The end of a marriage can feel like a personal failure, so it is easy to become your own worst critic. By keeping the expectations you have for yourself realistic as you work to heal and move on, you increase your chances of living a healthier, more balanced lifestyle throughout the divorce period. Research backs this up: the American Psychological Association (APA) reports that those who treat themselves with kindness and compassion have an easier time managing life while going through a divorce.

Why We Need Balance During the Transition

How you manage life during and after the split has the power to affect every area that counts—physical health, mental health, and overall life satisfaction. Neglecting basic self-care is a quick way to lose your footing. When you do not address your basic needs, you may face the following challenges:

Difficulty coping - Divorce evokes a wave of emotions, which can quickly become overwhelming. When those emotions are too much for you to handle at once, your day-to-day functioning begins to suffer. Difficulty coping often manifests itself as problems concentrating, disruption in sleeping or eating habits, and agitation or depression.

Trouble cultivating a positive outlook - When you are weighed down with overwhelming stress and a decrease in the overall quality of your life due to a lack of self-care, it can be hard to maintain a positive outlook on life and look forward to a better future.

Parenting and relationship struggles - Children experience many of the same coping difficulties adults do. When the parent and child are having similar struggles at the same time, it is more important than ever for the parent to practice self-care to help provide stability for the family. Creating balance by looking after your needs will also allow you to be a better friend to the important people in your life.

Contact a Wheaton Divorce Attorney

If you are facing a divorce and having a difficult time with it, we can provide the guidance you need. Let one of our qualified DuPage County family law attorneys assist you with the legal aspects of your divorce, so you can focus on taking care of yourself and those you love during the process. Call the Andrew Cores Family Law Group at 630-871-1002 to schedule a free consultation today.





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