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What to Do After Parental Kidnapping in Illinois

 Posted on April 12,2019 in Uncategorized

Wheaton, IL family lawyersMovies, television, and media reports would have us all believe kidnappers are lurking in bushes and snooping around playgrounds, ready to nab a random child whenever the opportunity presents itself. This could not be farther from the truth. While strangers do abduct children, these types of kidnappings are not the rule, but the exception. In fact, in only 0.1 percent of child kidnapping cases (one out of 1,000) is the abductor a stranger to or a slight acquaintance of the child. Almost all abductors are family members, and in most of these cases, it is one of the parents.

Parental kidnapping occurs when one parent has custody of the child and the other goes against a court order and takes the child unlawfully. Sometimes the parent takes the child back home, which could be in the same town. Other times, desperate parents leave the state or even the country. If your child was abducted by his or her other parent, a family law attorney can:

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How is Marital Property Divided in Illinois After Divorce?

 Posted on March 30,2019 in Uncategorized

DuPage County divorce lawyersBuilding a life together as a married couple inevitably involves the accumulation of personal assets. The time and effort it took to financially afford and personally choose these items cannot be measured in dollars alone. Facing the prospect of dividing years of memories and hard work these items represent due to divorce requires some ability to look at this situation with objective eyes. Neither should expect to get everything they want.

Part of this evaluation is having a realistic sense of what percentage of marital property each spouse should expect to receive, and Illinois is not a community property state that guarantees each spouse 50 percent of all property. Instead, it follows equitable distribution rules that base property division in divorce on what is most fair under the circumstances, which creates a vague standard that is at the discretion of the judge. As a result, spouses should make all efforts to mutually agree on property division, so the outcome is known, but also having an understanding of how courts view this issue and the process judges use to formulate a settlement is important as well.

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An Alternative to Divorce: Legal Separation

 Posted on March 29,2019 in Uncategorized

DuPage County separation attorneyDivorce is a huge decision and step in a person’s life. Once a divorce is granted, a couple’s marriage is over, and it brings significant changes to finances, child custody, and living arrangements. Every relationship faces challenges at some point, and needing a break to assess whether the marriage can work is not uncommon. Some spouses may not be ready to file for divorce, but still need some structure for parenting issues, property rights, and financial support.

One option at this juncture is a legal separation. While it can ultimately lead to divorce, that outcome does not always occur. Couples who enter into legal separation agreements are still legally married and cannot remarry or finalize certain aspects of dissolving the marriage without seeking a divorce. In other words, legal separation is revocable, whereas divorce is not once granted.

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Challenges of Dividing Retirement Accounts in Divorce

 Posted on March 25,2019 in Uncategorized

Division of marital assets lawyerThe division of marital assets is one of the more complicated aspects of divorce, and retirement accounts present a number of unique issues that can make creating a fair settlement difficult. Since retirement accounts, especially 401(k)s, are accumulated through the individual efforts of one spouse, learning that this asset may be subject to division in a divorce is hard for many to accept. However, any amount in a retirement account classified as a marital asset must be divided, unless the spouses agree otherwise.

Valuing an account and determining how to structure a settlement are complicated matters that do not always have easy answers. Often, a spouse is forced to choose between the pros and cons of short- and long-term options when dividing retirement accounts, and working with an experienced divorce attorney is necessary to receive a complete picture of the implications of any decision. Retirement accounts are often a couple’s most valuable asset, so taking the time to assess how to approach this issue is one of the more critical aspects of a divorce case.

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Is Leaving a Child Alone Grounds to Modify Parental Responsibilities?

 Posted on March 20,2019 in Uncategorized

Wheaton Divorce LawyersChildren, as they grow up, assert their desires for independence, particularly about staying home alone, but there is a real question about whether leaving a child alone is safe, or even legal. Divorced parents who share custody of a child, known as the allocation of parental responsibilities under Illinois law, must concede some level of control when the child is under the care and supervision of the other parent.

Of course, parents should require the other parent to keep the child safe, including providing an environment that supports the child’s well-being. Leaving a child alone can become murky territory as a child becomes a teenager, and under Illinois law, leaving a child home alone under the age of 14 is a crime. Thus, any parent who leaves a child home alone risks child neglect charges and the possibility the other parent may file a petition to modify the parenting plan to give them a greater share of the parental responsibility.

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How Do Court-Ordered Parenting Classes Work?

 Posted on March 15,2019 in Uncategorized

DuPage County divorce lawyersDivorcing couples face stress from a number of places, including the legal system they need to officially end their marriage. One of the more difficult and complicated issues to address is the division of parental responsibilities. Child-related matters always spark strong emotions, and the sensitive issues that must be resolved as part of divorce only tend to exacerbate this tendency.

One requirement that confuses some parents is when they must attend a court-ordered parenting class before a divorce decree is issued. This is true even in uncontested divorces, and compliance is mandatory in all but a few cases. Thus, parents will need to arrange to complete a course no later than 60 days after the first case management conference. This requirement can seem frustrating and arbitrary to some parents, but understanding the purpose behind the course, what to expect during the course itself, and the consequences of not satisfying this requirement, may make it easier to get through the experience.

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Parental Responsibility and Fathers’ Rights in Illinois

 Posted on March 13,2019 in Uncategorized

DuPage County father's rights attorneyOld stereotypes paint fathers as less interested and less capable of providing the care and attention a child needs to thrive. As a result, when a father seeks to establish rights to see a child following a divorce or paternity suit, some think the mother should receive the bulk of the parenting time, with the father entitled to just a handful of days every month. This dynamic can make it difficult for a father to have a significant relationship with his child, and while courts are moving away from this model of dividing responsibilities, fathers still experience more pushback when seeking equal time.

In Illinois, part of this shift toward more equal parenting is reflected in the elimination of the terms child custody, custodial parent, and visitation to describe parenting structure. This is designed to facilitate an arrangement that emphasizes cooperative parenting over strict lines of accountability and authority. Fathers, in particular, need to understand the system in place that regulates the division of parental responsibility, because this is the best way to ensure their interests are fully represented.

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What is a Parent's Right of First Refusal?

 Posted on March 08,2019 in Uncategorized

DuPage County Custody LawyerSharing parenting time is not ideal, but is a necessary part of allowing a child to maintain a significant relationship with both parents after a divorce. Parenting time encompasses a designated period in which a parent is allocated childrearing duties and the authority to make daily decisions for the child’s care. This division of parental responsibilities is typically shared between divorced parents, and the purpose is to foster a continuing connection between the child and each parent because this support is important to the child’s development and well-being.

The expectation is that each parent will be the person who cares for the child during his or her allotted time. Of course, things come up and it is understandable that changes to schedules are necessary, including the use of a babysitter. However, if using third-party childcare during scheduled parenting time becomes a pattern, or is expected to last for an extended period of time, the other parent may be able to exercise a right of first refusal and keep the child instead.

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Tips for How to Negotiate a Parenting Plan

 Posted on March 06,2019 in Uncategorized

DuPage County Divorce LawyerOne of the main priorities of any divorcing parent is to figure out how to create a parenting plan that best supports the child’s development and allows each parent sufficient time and input in the child’s life. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to these agreements because the needs of each child and the circumstances of each family differ.

The most important aspect of any parenting plan is that it includes terms the parents can follow without constant conflict. This is often easier said than done due to the strong emotions involved after divorce. The court expects parents to make a genuine attempt to settle matters on their own, and while a family law judge must approve any plan, the specifics should be worked out between the parents. Courts do not have the capacity to fully analyze and understand the unique dynamics of a family, so any parenting plan created by a judge will be somewhat standard and generic as a result. This risks future litigation to enforce or modify the parenting agreement, a situation that is detrimental to the child’s well-being.

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The Illinois Deadbeat Parents Law Regarding Child Support

 Posted on February 28,2019 in Uncategorized

Wheaton, IL Child Support LawyersChild support payments are frequently ordered as a result of divorce proceedings, but they can occur in a variety of different circumstances. If an existing agreement mandates child support payments, it is imperative you make them as scheduled. Failure to do so can lead to dire consequences for your children, who may depend on these payments to get the clothes they need, nutritious food to eat, and school supplies.

The Illinois courts have laws to dissuade non-payment by enacting harsh penalties for delinquencies. If you are having difficulty making payments, it is vital you request a child support modification to avoid breaking these laws.

Refusal to Pay Child Support

Many child support payments withdraw directly from the non-custodial parent’s paycheck. The employer deducts the mandated payment per the provided court order. The employer then forwards payments to the State Disbursement Unit (SDU), which then disburses the money to the recipient. Each step in the child support process is recorded in a database with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Division of Child Support Enforcement. If a payment is missed, DCSE or HFS sends a notice to all parties that the amount is past due.

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