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Divorce and Disabled Children

 Posted on September 08,2017 in Children of Divorce

disabled chlid, Wheaton divorce attorneysToo often, disabled children, whether they are adults or minors, become points of contention during a divorce. Raising a child with a disability can be quite expensive in in the United States, and while studies show that the rate of divorce for parents of a disabled child is very high, you should never make your child feel as though he or she caused your breakup. It is also important to ensure that your child is cared for regardless of circumstances.

Financial Issues

One of the first priorities that you should have as a parent in this situation is to ensure that your child does not lose the benefits for which he or she has previously qualified. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid are affected by the amount that the person (or their caregivers) makes per month, so if, for example, you are awarded spousal support in your divorce decree that pushes you into a new tax bracket, your disabled child could become ineligible for all or part of his or her SSI. This can be avoided if your divorce agreement is written carefully. Generally, in Illinois, this means establishing what is referred to as a Special Needs Trust, into which the paying parent pays their child support payments. The reason for such stringent rules is because in the eyes of the Social Security Administration (SSA), child support belongs to the child not to the custodial parent.

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Protecting the Rights of Non-Marital Children

 Posted on September 06,2017 in Illinois family lawyer

children, DuPage County family attorneysThe most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that approximately 40 percent of all births in the United States in a given year are to unmarried women. While this was formerly a cause for shame or concern, in this day and age, there is often much less stigma, but children out of wedlock do sometimes require additional considerations to ensure their rights are protected. If you are the parent of a child born outside of marriage, it is important to be aware that there may be extra steps you need to take to protect your child legally.

Paternity and Custody

Many of the major disputes over the rights of children occur when custody or parental responsibilities are in question. With marital children, custody arrangements are fairly straightforward, given that Illinois law grants visitation (parenting time) to both parents unless it would endanger the physical, moral, or emotional health of the child. With non-marital children, there are other considerations—namely, the issue of paternity.

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Back to School Co-Parenting

 Posted on August 30,2017 in Child Custody

back to school, DuPage County family law attorneysThe stores are filled with sales on pencils, notebooks, folders, and backpacks. This could only mean one thing: it is back-to-school season! If you are a parent, you have probably been buying supplies, meeting new teachers, and getting back into the swing of the school year. Things may be especially chaotic if you have recently split from your spouse. How can parents manage school schedules and responsibilities while sharing parental responsibilities with their ex? There is no perfect way to co-parent but experts do have some advice for newly divorced parents helping their child go back to school.

  • Do not be afraid to involve the school staff. If you are worried about how your child will deal with the strain of school on top of dealing with a changing family, you are not alone. Many families have found themselves in a similar position. The teachers, counselors and other school staff have probably helped dozens of students through such family changes. Do not be afraid to reach out and let your child’s teacher know what is going on at home.

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Maintenance and Cohabitation After Divorce

 Posted on August 24,2017 in Spousal Support

cohabitation, Wheaton divorce attorneyIn most cases, spousal maintenance is used as  a tool to help newly divorced people adapt from a two-income household to two single-income households. Eventually, maintenance ceases, usually after a financial goal or time limit is reached - however, in Illinois and a handful of other states, it can end earlier. Cohabitating after your divorce is final, in particular, can have unintended consequences.

A “Substantial Change in Circumstances”

Generally in Illinois, maintenance is ordered by the family court or agreed upon between the spouses. It will be granted to the spouse the court deems to be in the most need of it, based on a number of factors. Some of the most important include:

  • Income and debt levels of both spouses;
  • Current financial need (at the time of the divorce) and future earning capacity;

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The Rights of Sperm Donors and Surrogates

 Posted on August 21,2017 in Illinois family lawyer

sperm donor, Wheaton family law attorneyNot everyone who wants to have children can conceive naturally. If you are in this position, you may consider adoption, or you may consider surrogacy or sperm donation. However, if you decide to use a surrogate parent, you should be aware that both sperm donors and surrogate mothers have rights which could present issues if you do not reach agreements with them before the child’s birth.

Sperm Donors

Under the Illinois Parentage Act, a sperm donor in Illinois retains no rights or responsibilities to any child born of their genetic material if, and only if, the donation is given directly to a licensed physician. In other words, most unknown sperm donors fit this bill, as most sperm banks handle their materials via licensed physicians.

There are far more issues with known donors. Agreements signed between private individuals, such as those intended to waive parental rights, are not often enforceable. The rationale is that too many variables exist in such agreements with too many opportunities for misinterpretation. These flaws render many of these contracts void. The parental rights of an intended donor also must be terminated in accordance with the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1987. In short, if either procedure is not followed, there is a possibility that the sperm donor could retain some parental rights.

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Parenting Time and Child Support for Incarcerated Parents

 Posted on August 17,2017 in Child Custody

parenting time, DuPage County family law attorneyIn Illinois, it is very unusual for a family court to deny visitation to a parent entirely, even if that parent has legal problems. The presumption that having both parents in a child’s life is accorded a place of paramount importance by family court judges, and as such, it is becoming more and more common for visitation schedules to be worked out with incarcerated parents. While it is possible for your parenting time rights to be denied or terminated if you are incarcerated, it is also common to still be awarded at least some time with your children.

If You Are Incarcerated During Divorce

One of the most important things to be aware of is that if you are incarcerated before your divorce, your spouse automatically gains primary responsibility for your children unless there is a pressing reason not to follow this pattern. In other words, Illinois courts recognize a rebuttable presumption that an incarcerated parent will not be the more fit of the two. If you are able to demonstrate why your spouse should not necessarily have the majority of the parenting time, you may be able to obtain shared parental responsibilities but you must show that you can make decisions for your child.

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Social Security Benefits and Divorce

 Posted on August 14,2017 in Divorce

social security, Wheaton divorce attorneyDuring a divorce, one of the most hotly-contested issues is often one spouse’s (or both spouse’s) Social Security benefits, either for disability or retirement. Federal law allows a divorced spouse, in some instances, to receive retirement benefits based on their ex-spouse’s work record, assuming it would pay greater dividends than their own. If you are in a position where you believe you are entitled to such income, it can generally be obtained with sufficient proof.

Criteria for Retirement Benefits

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides specific criteria, all of which must be met, in order for a divorced person to collect retirement benefits based on his or her former spouse’s work record. The criteria are:

  • You must be currently unmarried;
  • You must be age 62 or older;

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Divorce and Deportation

 Posted on August 07,2017 in Divorce

deportation, Wheaton divorce lawyersSometimes, a marriage will simply not work out, no matter how hard the spouses try. However, if your soon-to-be ex-spouse is a foreign national, rather than a U.S. citizen, a divorce may have immigration consequences for him or her, which can, in turn, cause difficulties for you for considerations like child support and parenting time. Being aware of the potential issues before going ahead with the proceedings can help smooth things over between the two of you and work out any potential problems.

If Your Spouse Has a Green Card

Most of the time, if your ex-spouse has already applied for and received permanent resident status card—commonly referred to as a “green card”—he or she will be relatively safe from deportation, assuming he or she does not commit a serious crime. Permanent residents are just that, and cannot generally be deported unless there is crime involved. This is one of the major concerns that permanent residency alleviates by law. While a permanent resident will not be deported after divorce, they should, however, be aware that it can restart the clock in terms of how long they will have to wait in terms of applying for citizenship. A green card holder who is married to a U.S. citizen must wait about half as long as one who is not to apply for U.S. citizenship. However, since your spouse will be permitted to remain in the U.S. in most cases, your divorce should be able to proceed as normal.

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The Right of First Refusal Can Increase Parenting Time

 Posted on August 03,2017 in Illinois family lawyer

first refusal, Illinois family law attorneyAs one might expect, the allocation of parental responsibilities—the new name for “child custody” in Illinois—is the most hotly contested topic in many divorces. In recent years, changes have been to the laws regarding such proceedings that were aimed at giving divorced parents more time with their children, if they are in a position to take it. The amended laws created what is referred to as the right of first refusal, and there are some common misconceptions, but is generally seen as a help to most parents.

Know Your Rights

The right of first refusal may be included in a divorce decree itself, or it may be part of a parenting agreement worked out between the parties on their own. The right does not have to be granted to either parent, or it may be granted to both parents if the circumstances are appropriate. A court will take several factors into account when deciding whether or not to grant such a right, including:

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The Legality of Destination Weddings

 Posted on August 01,2017 in Illinois family lawyer

wedding, DuPage County family law attorneyTravel sites estimate that approximately 20 percent of all U.S. marriages involve destination weddings. They can be an extremely attractive option for many couples, especially if the climate in your hometown is not ideal for the wedding you imagine. However, there can be legal pitfalls if you do not properly research the law in your chosen destination. Symbolic ceremonies are common, but if you plan for your marriage ceremony to be binding and it is not, problems could develop down the road.

What Is Required?

While the specifics will obviously depend on the country in question, many countries require documents which prove that both parties have the ability and the agency to marry. For example, officials may ask for your passport, birth certificate, and a copy of any relevant divorce decree from a previous relationship. It is also possible that they will ask for an Affidavit of Eligibility to Marry or an affidavit of single status. While there is no universally accepted form for this, many consulates do have their own, so it is important to plan ahead.

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